The Society of Fellows welcomes all insurance professionals within Southern Alberta to join us at our monthly lunch-n-learns. These in person education opportunities are a great way to grow your network while earning CE credits.

Upcoming Events

December 2024 - TBD


October 17, 2024 - AIRB Presentation


November 21, 2024 - AIC Presentation


Our Mission

To stimulate career interest in the general insurance industry.

To encourage persons engaged in the general insurance industry to seek continued education within this field.

To hold conferences, meetings and programs for discussion and exchange views in matters relating to general insurance.

To receive, acquire and hold gifts, donations, legacies and devices and to expend the same in furthering the objectives of the Society.

To make grants and awards for meritorious achievement in studies approved by the Society in the field of general insurance.

To cooperate with other organizations, whether incorporated or not, which have objectives similar in whole or in part to the objectives of the Society.

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